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  12 Supplier: 
  12 Normal price: 
   8 J A LOCKERBY                    44 HYDE PLACE                   ALESHAM                         CANTERBURY                      KENT                            CT3 3AL
   3 TARTAN SOFTWARE (SA)            61 BAILIE NORRIE CRESC          MONTROSE                        ANGUS                           DD10 9DT
   3  1987 S.A.E.C.
   2 See Tape 17 for review details.
   2 CASSETTE    
   2 ;"Press ""R"" to read again"
   2 ;"PRESS A KEY":
   2 ''"STAR RATING   
   1 your next move is a jump on to  the far bank of the river. Northand up will bring you to a ledgewhere there is a crack in the   ice to the east.
   1 you will have to scour the      surrounding countryside for     various objects. And just what  are you loking for? Well, a     visit to the various huts in thevillage will give you some      clues.
   1 you go south to the edge of the snowstorm. There is a small caveto the south, but danger in the shape of a Yeti lurks here, so  avoid it for the moment by goingeast then north into an Eskimo  village.
   1 you can go back the way you     came, find the entrance and OPEN GATES. That wretched pterodact-yl appears here again, so this  time, THROW SPEAR.
   1 who are following you. Somewhereon your travels you may have    found a clamp - drop it! It's a red herring, and will make you  too heavy to jump on the thin   isle of ice, but do not worry -
   1 way out of the firing tube. You now need to take emergency      action.
   1 very safe. You'll need some     light and there is a torch closeat hand, but it doesn't work!     However a spot of fishing fromthe deck could solve some of    your problems.
   1 the next code in the (disguised)Ludoid jammer. Type in DIODUL tostart.
   1 the battery.
   1 take the cassette recorder.       Find a burnt out recreation   room and a harpoon gun before   going south from the station.     You will fall into a hole, butvegetation stops you and you    find yourself in a lush green   valley. Drop the harpoon gun    here - you have to fire it to   return, if you need to, but as  far as I remember, you don't    have to go back this way.
   1 mask and press the red button toreturn to the junction at the   end of the corridor. Unlock the door of the laboratory and get  the green canister. Press the   green button in the lift to get to a recreation room with a signon the east wall.
   1 many objects to collect. A conv-oluted route must be taken to   avoid a band of thugs who circlethe tavern, street end, street  corner, back street and the     rubbish dump. You will be warnedwhen they are approaching.
   1 made for the cold conditions.
   1 last game is for the Ludoids seacity. We have trans-matted a    minisub near it. You must       torpedo the city. Good luck.    Hope the sub survived the       journey!
   1 going east twice to the top of  the maintenance dome. Go north  up to a small open tower which  contains an empty bazooka.      INSERT SHELL, FIRE BAZOOKA -    this destroys the generator, now
   1 forgotten anything. Generally   speaking, once you have used an object you can leave it behind  to enable you to carry somethingelse.
   1 appointment. You see, Pacheo is not a very popular guy and he   was going to banish you from thetribe when he became chief.
   1 appear on screen.
   1 and press your detonator.
   1 `2.95+`1.95=`4.90
   1 Z$="                                "
   1 Your job as super hero is to    explore various planets, neutra-lise Transmat jamming equipment and ultimately rid the galaxy ofthe Ludoid menace. It shouldn't take more than half an hour!
   1 Your carrying capacity is not much, so make a good map, then  you can return if you have
   1 You start off in an icy waste bya snow covered tent. The first  thing to do is see if you can   find anything useful inside. Getthe pick, wear the skis and the snow goggles, now you are ready for the great adventure.
   1 You must have the bazooka     shell, the spear, the fossilisedtree limb from the niche, and bewearing the gloves.
   1 You may have to do a bit of     ferrying now, because you may   not be able to carry in one go, all the objects you must have   before leaving the cave.
   1 You may have noticed a ""squareigloo on the edge of the        village"" - this belongs to the  village idiot (most igloos are  round!) but he's not so daft,   because in his igloo you will   find a primus stove, which you  need to get rid of the Yeti.
   1 You have been directed to the   planet Vacatia where there is a run down ""Holiday"" camp called  ""Westlins"". An agent has hidden
   1 You can now discard the skis andski-sticks in favour of the     snow-shoes. To the south there  is a crashed helicopter, inside it is a bazooka shell.
   1 You begin with 10$ in your    pocket and a trip to the generalstore poses a problem - each    item on sale costs 10$! What do you buy? That's a sweet problem!
   1 You begin the adventure stark naked and soon realise that to  equip yourself for your task
   1 Why is the hotel locked? How do you deal with a stubborn donkey?Who is the lady in the golden   cage?
   1 While the shop keeper is busy   you can go upstairs where you   will find three jars of pickled brains! These must be eaten. A  visual clue as to how to specifywhich brain to eat is given by  the emblem on each jar - a boat,a sacred ankh and a quill.
   1 When you get to the base of anenormous nest and the pterodact-yl appears, PRESS PLAY, to scareit away. It's best to save the  game at this point as one move  east takes you outside the cave and death by freezing if you    aren't wearing the gloves!
   1 When you beat Rambot he falls to the ground and screams ""Mini-sub"" and that is the next code  word.
   1 When this creature appears,     LIGHT MATCH, LIGHT STOVE, THROW STOVE, then enter the cave and  USE ROD by the deep well. If youtake your catch to the hungry   Eskimo Chief, he will reward youwith a pair of ski-sticks.
   1 What you need for the next      sticky situation is the cassetterecorder, because you are about to take a flight into the world of imagination of the author andmeet a pterodactyl!
   1 Wait until the city explodes
   1 Up,W,W,E,E, will take you to therubbish dump where there are
   1 Up from inside the cave and   carrying on east will bring you to a smoking helicopter, then
   1 Type in code word MINISUB to    start. The code word from the
   1 Two good quality graphic      adventures on one tape for only `2.95 is in my book excellent   value for money. Keep up the    good work T.S.
   1 To the south you will find a  shovel, then, where the drifts  are packed on the entrance door,DIG three times to ENTER the    STATION.
   1 To leave the space station    leave all of its property you   borrowed behind.
   1 To leave the camp you must PUTIN 1000 credits into the machineat the gate.
   1 To destroy the jammer press   your detector.
   1 Time to leave. Open the hatch and you will be sucked out into the water to be confronted by a Ludoid guard octopus. Shoot it  with the harpoon.
   1 This part of the game is      played in real time, but don't  worry, you have plenty of time. The sub is letting in water and will eventually sink.
   1 This is a pure text adventure   produced with Gilsoft's P.A.W.  The chief of your tribe has diedand his elder son, Pacheo, was  about to become chief when some of the villagers challenged his
   1 There was no winner this month!
   1 There is a guard here, hiding behind a pile of cases - PUSH   CASES to get rid of him, and
   1 The year is 1849 and this is    Tombstone Creek and there's goldin them thar hills, and you're  going to get some of it.
   1 The village elders, in an     attempt to elect a new chief    have set you, Yarulla, and      Pacheo a quest - whoever is     successful will become the new  chief.
   1 The sun will now shine brighter and dry the fleece, so get the  fleece and go south to the cliffedge where you can pluck the    ibis to get a quill.
   1 The solution to Competition 13  was 
   1 The first thing to do is to goto the store room. Take and wearthe life jacket and get the     harpoon.
   1 The explosion frightens the   bear away and you can now       proceed into a large outer dome,then east to a radio room.
   1 The adventure begins when the lifeboat scrapes against the    hull of a ship. Your fellow     passengers scramble up its      anchor chain leaving you in the lifeboat, when, suddenly,       screams shatter the silence.
   1 The Ludoids are a group of    Cosmic Vegans and have infiltr- ated the corrupt ""Newtonian     Rocket Co"". Their aim is the    disruption of the Galactic Free Trade's revolutionary transport system (TRANS mit MATTER).
   1 The Hammer of Grimmold
   1 Take the pen, sign your name  and take the credits. Drop your detector to get into the camp.
   1 Take the gun from the shootinggallery and go to the ""High NoonSquare"". To defeat Rambot you   need to press ""D"" (for draw) and""F"" (for fire) as quickly as youcan when you see his picture
   1 THE HELM                     
   1 THE EXTRICATOR                
   1 THE CHALLENGE/                  DAVY JONES LOCKER
   1 THE BOGGIT                   
   1 TEXT      
   1 Some of the puzzles are fairlyeasy and some will get you      thinking, and if you get stuck  there is a coded help system.
   1 Send for a copy now.
   1 See Tape 6 for review details.
   1 See Tape 15 for review details.
   1 See Tape 14 for review details.
   1 See Tape 12 for review details.
   1 Ready? East twice then, to    find yourself teetering on the  edge of a bottomless precipice!   Drop the fossilised tree limb and remove the snow-shoes before
   1 Read the sign, insert the cardto open the door. You are now ina bare room facing the arch     villain, Stirling.
   1 ROBIN OF SHERWOOD             
   1 Put out the fire and get the    charcoal. West now and get a re-fill. Use this to mix the gum   and the charcoal - see the      grafitti outside the tavern -   you now have some ink.
   1 Personally I hope not. Individu-ally the games would not be muchin themselves, but together as awhole, they make a good game at a good price, and the graphics  are worth seeing. I would like  to see more from Thorne and Dann(the authors) Any chance Bug-   Byte?
   1 Part 4  AQUA
   1 Part 3  VACATIA
   1 Part 2  GLACIA
   1 PRESS BLUE anyway to get to the basement workshop and aquire    some keys and a mask. Wear the
   1 Once on board you can go down into the depths of the ship, butit's dark down there and not
   1 On the wall of the cubicle arethe words COLD STORE and this isthe code word for the next      chapter. While you are here eat the food and have a quick nap.
   1 On August 11 1927 the clipper   Allana was lost at sea with only5 survivors. Davy Jones Locker  now lets you relive what happen-ed to them.
   1 ODDS + ENDS
   1 Now head N,S,E, to the embalmersshop and wait until the thugs goaway before going N,N, to the   tavern where you should buy a   drink.
   1 Now give a drink to the woman   and she will follow you. Go S,W,S to the market and the woman   will go into the apothecary's.  It's important that you go in   after the woman as you will thenbe the 1000th customer and be   able to shop for free.
   1 NOT BAD    
   1 N,F;"CREDITS ":
   1 Membership is free. send a      S.A.E. for full details now.
   1 Make sure you don't miss an     issue of Spectrum Adventurer by taking a subscription at these  special prices.
   1 MAFIA CONTRACT I             
   1 Ludoids is an adventure in four separate parts. You will need tofind a code word in each part toproceed onto the next chapter.  The storyline goes something    like this...
   1 LOOK PERISCOPE and TURN PERI- SCOPE WEST to locate the Ludoid city. You are going the wrong   way!
   1 LOOK DOOR to see a panel.     Inside are two bared wires. To  open the door, connect the      battery (I bet you thought it   was flat!).
   1 LOADER    
   1 Knowledge which was handed      down by the Ancients,  and      faithfully recorded by the      Wise Ones.  This Knowledge      deals with the pastime  of
   1 JEWELS OF BABYLON            
   1 In the control room, PUSH PORTCONTROL to send the sub in the  right direction to ram the city.
   1 In the cafeteria you will see an automated burger machine.    Choose between a burger, bun,   salad, cheese or cola and press the serve button. Now TAKE FOOD.
   1 In a ""small igloo to the west""you will find a fishing rod and an unstruck match. If you can't carry these, drop the gun - you won't need it again.
   1 If you would like to win a threeissue subscription to Spectrum  Adventurer then take a look at  the scrambled letters on the    next page. All you have to do isunscramble them to reveal the   titles of three adventures.
   1 If you would like to receive anyof these maps simply send us a  large S.A.E. stating which maps you want.
   1 If you fire a torpedo in the  torpedo room it will stick half
   1 I really enjoyed playing this adventure and while the locationdescriptions are a bit on the   brief side, it is a cut above   the usual run of the mill games with a screen display which     changes instantly whenever an   object is taken or dropped.
   1 I forgot to tell you that onceyou have fired the flare pistol you can drop it, and you can    also discard the ice pick along with the skis.
   1 I am always eager to add to my  volumes anything concerning     adventures. If you have any mapsor solutions to any adventures  please send them to me care of  S.A. If I use them in the cavernyou will receive a 3 issue      subscription to the magazine.
   1 How do you make your fortune? I haven't figured it out yet,   but I'm going to enjoy trying,  and I'm sure you will too.
   1 Here we are folks with yet      another free competition.
   1 Head S,S,E,E,E, to the obelisk. Read the hieroglyphics to get a magic command - help will tell  you how to do this.
   1 Having found the code word you  must now find and destroy the   jammer. Type in COLD STORE to   start.
   1 HOORAY! You've saved the      world, AGAIN!
   1 HEAVY ON THE MAGICK           
   1 HAWK ADVENTURING                29 HOLLOWGATE                   BARNBURGH                       SOUTH YORKS                     DN5 7BH
   1 HAMPSTEAD                    
   1 Go south down a steep slope   (which would kill you if you    didn't have the ski-sticks) to asnow covered plateau, where you will find a pair of snow-shoes
   1 Go south and put the boulder in the mangonel (a catapult) and   fire it. The boulder will hit a bird which flies over the lake.
   1 Go north and talk to the gate-  keeper. The watchword will get  you in. Now go north and down   and get the coin from the       beggar.
   1 Go north and get the bird. You  will find that it was carrying  an ankh. Take it north then westto the temple and pray.
   1 Go east then north and build up some muscles by lifting weights.You can then go south and get   the boulder. This unblocks a    channel and empties the lake. Italso soaks a hermit!
   1 Go east and dry the hermit with the fleece. He will give you a  scroll. Read the scroll and say CURE ME. East again will take   you to the nile where stilts canbe found if you examine the     river. Wear them and go N,N,W,W.
   1 Go down into the Galactic     Market Intervention Store which contains over produced stocks,  (mostly from Earth?). Go N,W,N, N to find a crate containing    Glycol. Open it with the crow-  bar and take some.
   1 Go down and wear the blindfold  before entering the pyramid. If you don't wear the blindfold youwill be terrified of the therio-cephalous reliefs who guard the entrance.
   1 Go back down and shout at the   shop keeper to wake him up. He  fell asleep while getting your  syringe.
   1 Go W,W,E,S,S, to the market.    Give the needle to the mad man  who will give you a luminous    stone which will allow you to   see in dark places.
   1 Go W,N,W,W, to get to the quay  and fill your bowl. South now tothe warehouse and get some flourfrom the bins. This added to thewater in the bowl gives you someglue.
   1 Go E,S,W,N,N, and say the watchword then east to the embalmer's shop and buy a syringe.
   1 Go E,S,S,E,E, to the desert and get past the snake by playing   your flute. Next, E,E, and feed the crocodiles. Go east and fillthe bowl with water then east   again to the island.
   1 Give the urn to the sad man and he will turn into a glad man.
   1 Give the shabti to the glad man and he will give you a blind-   fold. Give the bowl to the mad  man to get some beads.
   1 Get the quill and the fleece andtry to climb up the rope, it    will break, enabling you to takeit with you.
   1 Get the head of the shabti and  glue it to the body. Go up twiceto the top of the hill, which isactually an ancient burial      mound, and go east to the edge  of a cliff.
   1 Get and press your detector todestroy the jammer which was in Rambot.
   1 GOOD                                          
   1 From there go S,S,S and read  the label on that crate. It says
   1 Five 25p discount vouchers whichcan be used in our exchange clubwill be sent with each order.
   1 Finished with an adventure?
   1 Find the Sinclair C50,        (Technology at last!) and take
   1 Enter the igloo, take and wearthe clothes which are especially
   1 Enter the helijet but don't   try to fly it as you are no     expert and will only succeed in terminating your own existance. Instead, just start it and beat a hasty retreat, as it will     start to sink into the ice.
   1 Eating the sailor's brain gives you the ability to sail boats.  The priest's brain gives you a  clue and the scribe's brain     enables you to read Demotic.
   1 East of where the Eskimos are fishing, you will meet a snow   plough coming towards you with  evil intent, so REMOVE PIN and  THROW GRENADE to put a stop to  it. Go east and you will find   the remains of the snow plough, inside it is a flare pistol.
   1 Each of you has been given    half a medallion and to completethe quest you will have to      return to the village with the  whole medallion and a Blue Stonefrom the land of bears and      reptiles.
   1 Don't let it gather dust on a   shelf!
   1 Do not attempt to climb up    here, but it is quite safe to doso further east. Continuing eastwill bring you to the heart of  the glacier where you will find a grenade.
   1 Disguised as a space trucker,   you must search a robot space   station and find the code word  left by a friendly agent that   will lead you to a planet where the Ludoids have left one of    their jammers.
   1 Davy Jones Locker has the same  facilities as The Challenge and with both adventures on the sametape this just has to be value  for money
   1 DIODUL and is the next code     word.
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Could you enter Castle Thade anddefeat the Lord of Darkness?
   1 CONGRATULATIONS! You have       destroyed the Ludoid's base. TheTrans-mats are safe to use. You have finally completed your     mission. Or have you?
   1 CODE      
   1 CASTLE BLACKSTAR             
   1 C$="TO ICE STATION ZERO                  BY J ROWE"
   1 C$="SUPPLIER: J.A. LOCKERBY                   44 HYDE PLACE                   AYLESHAM                        CANTERBURY                      KENT                            CT3 3AL"
   1 C$="Plus our Top 10                 adventure chart."
   1 C$="More than 200                   adventures listed               here."
   1 C$="Just what it says!"
   1 C$="Hints on Legend                 Of Apache Gold."
   1 C$="Guide to solving                Spiderman."
   1 C$="An exciting adventure           with Dr Goo!"
   1 C$=" Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT":
   1 C$="  Are you having problems with    an adventure? HELPLINE is a     free service which could save   you from death, destruction,    and much worse (if such a       thing is possible)."     
   1 C$="  All you have to do is look      at the list of adventures on    Side 2 and write to the         person who can help you with    your problem. Please include    a S.A.E. with your letter or    an international reply          coupon if you are writing       from abroad."
   1 Being a brave sort of fellow, you clamber aboard to find the  place deserted.
   1 Backnumbers and single issues   cost `2.00 (U.K.) `2.50 (Europe)`3.50 (Overseas) for each issue.
   1 Back up on top you will find ahuge lump of ice with the jammerburied in the middle. Pour the  Glycol on it and it will start  to melt, letting you get nearer the jammer.
   1 BORED OF THE RINGS            
   1 At the southern most reaches  of the valley,go in to a dark   cave and meet some cannibals -  to avoid them, go up twice, thenin to a niche. They won't botheryou again.
   1 At the south end of the valleythere is a thin native spear,   and here you will meet one of   the anomalies of the game. You  will be told that you can't pickit up when wearing gloves. You  didn't know you had any, did    you?
   1 At the motel section LOOK     BEHIND DESK to find a key. The  number of the key is random so  find the corresponding numbered cubicle and unlock it.
   1 At the casino you need to bumpup your credits to 1000 so you  will be allowed to leave.       Examine the wheel and gamble    until you have sufficient funds.
   1 At least that is the aim of   the game. Of course it's not    going to be easy. You'll need tofind some money, get some equip-ment, find a mine and register  your claim in the Assay office.
   1 At a junction in the north-   bound corridor, you will come   across a corpse. SEARCH CORPSE  to find an ID card, then carry  on north to find a lift. Anotherodd thing here - there may be nomention of a blue button, but
   1 Anyway, remove them, get the  spear, then go west into a      native hut and get a torch. You may have to leave the bazooka   shell here temporarily, but     don't forget where it is! You'llneed it and the gloves later.
   1 And it won't be your only one.Watch out for the sheriff who   might just put you behind bars.
   1 After getting this, going westand south will bring you to the north of the perimeter fence,   and you will meet a polar bear. Don't try killing him - retreat to the helicopter, with the bearfollowing, and fire the flare atthe machine.
   1 A false alarm could help you on your way but don't make it too  obvious. And, if you want more  money, then help an old man.
   1 ;"The Troll                                                          and                                                     Discount Adventures"
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"SPECTRUM 
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 17 
   1 ;"OCTOBER 1987"
   1 ;"NUMBER OF ISSUES"        
   1 ;"NUMBER 15
   1 ;"IS LOADING":
   1 ;"IS  LOADING":
   1 ;"EDITOR William Young":
   1 ;"3      6      12"
   1 ;"           June  Rowe":
   1 .............
   1 ...........
   1 ''''"STAR RATING   
   1 '"subscription will begin at the  end of the current one. The     closing date for entries is the 9th NOVEMBER 1987."
   1 '"introduction provides you with  instructions and some tips."
   1 '"fall to pieces! And a visit to  Stainberries Supermarket could  be fatal."
   1 '"You will have to perform varioustasks such as braving a swamp   and finding a chainsaw for Happyof the Seven Dwarfs."
   1 '"You will have to avoid the thugsyet again so enter the cupboard then leave - help and examine   gives you clues about this."
   1 '"You should now be at the town   gates. Wait until a woman       appears. She will mutter SOME-  THING to the gatekeeper and go  to the tavern in the town."
   1 '"You may find it strange to find yourself in a hotel bedroom,    after all, to put it mildly, youare skint and unable to pay any bills."
   1 '"You awake in the world of NORB  feeling like an Ultimate game.  All you remember is the sight ofinter-galactic turtles and some-thing about a Talisman to trans-port you home to Milton Keynes."
   1 '"You are born into the game      inside an egg, so smash egg. Youwill find a knife, take it and  go south and shear a sheep. Get rid of the knife and head south until you come to a lake where  you must wash the fleece."
   1 '"U.K.        `5.00  `10.00 `18.00"
   1 '"Tie the rope to the stump and godown to the boat and board it.  Sail the boat back to the quay"
   1 '"This is the end of part one. Thegame position will be saved for use in part two, the solution towhich will be published next    month."
   1 '"The Dragonslayer  Andy MacGregor":
   1 '"So, west now to the shop and getsome opium and vegetable gum."
   1 '"Overseas    `10.00 `18.00 `36.00"
   1 '"Once you've done that send your answers to us at S.A.E.C. Shouldthe winner already have an      existing subscription, the new"
   1 '"North then up will take you to  the top of the pyramid where youshould drop the opium, syringe, quill and stone."
   1 '"Join our exchange club and swop it for another one. We probably have more adventures on our     books than you will find in yourlocal computer store.
   1 '"Head W,W,W,W,N,W, and get the   papyrus and write an IOU note,  (remember the notice in the     embalmer's shop?)."
   1 '"Go back to the quay and get intoa boat and sail across the      river. Leave the boat and go    west to a subterranean chamber."
   1 '"Get the body of shabti and go W,W,E,E. Get the urn and repeat   the last four directions, takingeach time the flute, bowl,      needle and meat."
   1 '"Europe      `7.50  `12.00 `24.00"
   1 '"Drop the ibis and throw the     fleece and the quill over the   cliff before climbing down the  rope. If you are carrying any   objects the rope will snap."
   1 '"Castle Thade is a two part, puretext adventure."
   1 '"An archaeologist friend has sentyou a scroll, a box and a lettersaying that he wants you to meethim in Egypt. Most intriguing,  don't you think? So off you go  to Egypt, a trip which costs youevery penny you own."
   1 '"--------------------------------
   1 '"   The Troll    Richard Batey":
   1 '"     Press ""T"" for The Troll"
   1 '"     Press ""Q"" to quit"
   1 '"     Press ""D"" for details of        discount adventures"
   1 '"        Press ""Q"" to quit"
   1 '"         
   1 "then leave it and go E,S,S, to  the market. By this time the    thugs are lying drunk in the    back street so you don't have toavoid them now."
   1 "These are only some of the      questions you will ask yourself in this exciting adventure."
   1 "  Unfortunately for you, the    manager is aware of your lack ofmoney and won't give you your   case until your bill is paid."
   1 "  This is certainly one humorousadventure, which, incidentally, will cost you 2 gumbo beads if  you live in Zambia and 2 cans ofFosters if you hail from down   under."
   1 "  The said Talisman is only two locations away from the start ofthis zany GAC'd adventure but itwon't get you home just yet..."
   1 "  So off you go to find some    money, after all, you want to   meet your friend and find out   what this adventure is all      about."
   1 "  My only grouse about this gameconcerns the hunger routine,    which I thought was safely dead and buried, never to be seen    again in an adventure. Well, itsin this one!"
   1 "  Moans aside, you should smile at what happens in The Rovers   Return and at the bank. A word  of warning - if you haven't got the flying potion then ignore   the message in the forest."
   1 "  Don't feel sorry for the      beggar or you will literally"
   1 "  But I digress, let's get back to the game. The aforementioned humour is all to often followed by the Sudden Death Syndrome. Ifyou have a drink in the inn you will be hanged for getting drunkand doing something naughty to adwarven sailor."
   1 "  Apart from the above point,   this is an enjoyable game.      Tartan Software are certainly   building up a reputation for    producing good, entertaining    adventures, and this one is no  exception."
   1 "  And so starts another Tartan  Software adventure. And a nice  one it is too, with split screengraphics and a handy ram save/  load facility. You can't use    HELP during the game but the"
   1 "  All in all, this is a nice    adventure, with some reasonable graphics, but come on D.D. was  it really necessary to have the game say ""What the ---k!"" when  a command is not understood.    It's cost you a star."
   1 "  After a while you will become hungry and if you want to carry on in the game you will have to eat some bread, but only at a   certain point in the game."
   1  adventuring and each month      I will open my chests with      a solid gold key and share      with you the Knowledge  to      be found in  these  tomes.
   1  Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT
   1  SEABASE DELTA                 
   1  S.A.E.C. 1987
   1  Revisited":
   1  MARIE CELESTE                
   1  MADCAP MANOR                  
   1  FUTURE ZOO                    
   1  DUN CO TOWN":
   1  BARSAK THE DWARF              
   1  1987 S.A.E.C."
   1   Wearing the mask, THROW CANIS-TER at him and disarm the bomb  by pressing first the white     button, then the yellow.
   1   Jack Lockerby has shown what  can be achieved with the P.A.W. and I look forward to playing   some of his other adventures.
   1   Free the dogs as you have no  use for them. Explore until you find a sheltered crag, where    there is a gun. With a bit of   luck you'll find this just in   time to fire it at the wolves
   1     TITLE: THE CHALLENGE/                  DAVY JONES LOCKER                                     
   1         Z 
   1         Jd
   1             Greetings,                 fellow adventurers.            I am the Troll whose          cavern is full of chests       packed with leather bound       volumes of pure knowledge.
   1                                 Bp